We Relieve You From

Boring & Unhealthy Foods

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Mezzup Benefits

Why should you subscribe to Mezzup

Mezzup aspires to become the UAE's premier subscription-based food delivery platform and management system by disrupting the current food delivery vertical. We aim to be a pioneering food tech company in the region, offering timely monthly/weekly deliveries of affordable and value-based food options. Mezzup also provides premium packed foods, including both traditional and non-traditional dishes.


Benefits - Customers


Mezzup eliminates the need for planning meals, grocery shopping, and cooking. Meals are delivered directly to your doorstep, saving valuable time and effort.


Compared to dining out or ordering takeout regularly, Mezzup offer a significantly more economical option. Monthly subscriptions or per-meal pricing structures ensure budget-friendly access to nutritious meals.

Timely Delivery

Mezzup promises to deliver food on time, ensuring that customers receive their meals when they want it.

Customizable menu

Customers can personalize their orders to match their dietary requirements and preferences.

Multiple choice

Mezzup offers a variety of authentic mess and nutritional food options, ensuring that customers have multiple choices to select from.


Benefits - Vendors

Expand clientele

By partnering with Mezzup, vendors will have access to a wider customer base, potentially increasing their profits.

Maximized profitability

With a larger customer base, vendors will have the opportunity to sell more of their food, leading to increased profits.

Retain loyal clientele

Mezzup ensures food delivery even to remote areas, fostering loyalty among customers and vendors seeking dependable, convenient services.

Expand market reach

Through Mezzup partnerships, vendors expand their service radius, tapping into more customers and boosting profits.

Reduced delivery tensions

Mezzup will take care of deliveries and vendors can free up their time and resources to focus on other aspects of their business.


Ready to try-out our new offering?

Don't let your time get wasted on deciding what to cook

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